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Matthew Jackson
(He/ Him)

Model/ Brand Ambassador

Matthew's Story

I am a trans man who used to struggled with menstruating and the subsequent imagery, labelling, and taboo around periods. As I socially transitioned it became an obstinate reminder of a body that I wasn't comfortable with. I could change my name, my hair, my clothes, and presentation but I couldn't stop my period (aside from not eating).


Hormonal birth control methods could stop the monthly mental and physical agony but would often cause mood swings and other side effects which would worsen dysphoria such as weight gain. It would also often come at the mental toll of having to explain the effect it had on me to doctors and pharmacists.


As someone who is choosing to medically and surgically transition I'm fortunate not to have had a period in a long time. However, with waiting lists for surgery growing longer and longer I'm aware that there is still a possibility it could happen.  


This project is important because it is showing the diversity of menstruation demonstrates how being more inclusive doesn't "cost" the exclusion of cis women. Being more inclusive and breaking down taboos allows us to talk openly and deal with issues including period poverty, chronic period pain, and medical issues such as endometriosis and their impact.


The simplest (and best) explanation I've seen comes from trans activist Kenny Jones: "Not all women menstruate, and not all people who menstruate are women".

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